Install XCO Single-Node Fabric Management on TPVM

You can install single-node XCO on TPVM.

About this task

Follow this procedure to install XCO on TPVM in a single-node deployment.

Fresh installation of a single-node XCO on TPVM takes approximately 12 minutes to complete.


  1. Download the XCO tar file and the related digests file to a Linux server. Use these files to transfer the tar file to the SLX as a remote host.
    remote-server$ ls
    efa-3.4.0-digests.tar.gz  efa-3.4.0.tar.gz
  2. Verify the PGP signature as described in article 48172 on the Extreme Portal.
  3. Verify that the SLX-OS version, SSH keys, and passwordless access configuration are correct for the TPVM via the SLX console or SSH.
    For the supported version information, see Supported Platforms and Deployment Models for Fabric Skill.
    SLX# show tpvm status
        SSH and Sudo passwordless       :Enabled
        AutoStart                       :Enabled
        Tpvm status                     :Running
        Tpvm version                    :4.5.6
        Tpvm additional status          :normal
        SLX# show version
        SLX-OS Operating System Version: 20.4.2
        Copyright (c) 1995-2022 Extreme Networks, Inc.
        Firmware name:      20.4.2b
        Build Time:         04:24:00 Dec  6, 2022
        Install Time:       03:20:53 Dec 29, 2022
        Kernel:             4.14.67
        Control Processor:  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU D-1527 @ 2.20GHz,  4 cores
        Microcode Version:  0x7000017
        Memory Size:        System Total: 31643 MB
        System Uptime:      0days 0hrs 21mins 58secs 
        Name     Primary/Secondary Versions 
        SLX-OS   20.4.2b
  4. Verify the TPVM versions using the TPVM console or SSH.
    $ lsb_release -a
    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
    Description:	   Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
    Release:	       20.04
    Codename:	      focal
  5. Verify that NTP is synchronized by checking the Status line of show tpvm config ntp command.
    SLX# show tpvm config ntp
        NTP Servers:
                              Local time: Wed 2022-12-28 19:00:00 PST
                          Universal time: Thu 2022-12-29 03:00:00 UTC
                                RTC time: Thu 2022-12-29 03:00:01
                               Time zone: America/Los_Angeles (PST, -0800)
               System clock synchronized: yes
        systemd-timesyncd.service active: yes
                         RTC in local TZ: no
         systemd-timesyncd.service - Network Time Synchronization
          Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/systemd-timesyncd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
          Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-12-22 12:57:24 PST; 6 days ago
            Docs: man:systemd-timesyncd.service(8)
        Main PID: 680 (systemd-timesyn)
          Status: "Synchronized to time server ("
           Tasks: 2 (limit: 4630)
          CGroup: /system.slice/systemd-timesyncd.service
                └─680 /lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd
        Dec 22 12:57:24 L5tpvm systemd[1]: Starting Network Time Synchronization...
        Dec 22 12:57:24 L5tpvm systemd[1]: Started Network Time Synchronization.
        Dec 22 12:57:57 L5tpvm systemd-timesyncd[680]: Synchronized to time server (
  6. Log in to TPVM and configure the NTP time zone. Press tab after timezone to see the list of available timezones.
    SLX# tpvm config timezone America/Los_Angeles
  7. Enter SLX Linux mode and transfer the tarball to the SLX using SCP.
    SLX# start-shell
        device$ scp user@remote-server:~/builds/efa/efa-3.4.0.tar.gz /efaboot/
  8. To deploy XCO on TPVM from the SLX shell, run the efa deploy command.

    If multiple XCO tarballs are present in the /efaboot/ directory, choose a target version of XCO to install from the version selection menu.



    From SLX version 20.4.1 and above, a new install or upgrade of XCO on TPVM in a single-node deployment displays the following warning banner:
    SLX# efa deploy
        Step 1: Get IP Address assigned to TPVM to deploy EFA  10.x.x.x.
        Step 2: Checking for EFA packages in /efaboot directory
        1. /efaboot/efa-3.4.0.tar.gz
        2. /efaboot/efa-3.4.0.tar.gz
        Enter option: 1
        *                 ! ! ! WARNING ! ! !                                *
        *  Proceeding with Extreme Fabric Automation deployment              *
        *       1. Do not reboot device(s) or TPVM(s)                        *
        *       2. Do not toggle management port on device(s) or TPVM(s)     *
        *       3. Avoid CTRL+C on the installer window                      *
        Copying EFA package efa-3.4.0.tar.gz to TPVM 10.x.x.x... done.
        Extracting EFA package efa-3.4.0.tar.gz on TPVM 10.x.x.x... done.
        Starting EFA installer.
        The EFA Installer will continue with a series of dialogs.
  9. When prompted, select Single-node deployment then OK.


    Use arrow keys to move between options. Press the space bar to select an option.
  10. When prompted, select the IP mode (IPv4 single stack, or Dual ip-stack). Then select OK.


    • Use arrow keys to move between options. Press the space bar to select an option.
    • Depending on the IP stack selection, system will prompt you with appropriate IP address input.
  11. When prompted to configure additional management IP networks, take one of the following steps.
    • Select No to ignore this optional step or when you have finished entering sub-interface information.
    • Select Yes and then provide the following information when prompted.
      • Sub-interface name, which is a unique name that contains no more than 11 characters, no white space, and no % or / characters.
      • ID of the VLAN that the management network uses to tag traffic. Valid values range from 2 through 4093.
      • IP subnet address for IPv4 mode or IPv6 subnet address for IPv6 mode in CIDR format. The subnet must not overlap with any IP subnet that you have already provided.
      • In Dual mode, an IPv6 address is optional, but an IPv4 address is mandatory.

      As the installation proceeds, messages display showing the installation progress.

  12. Verify the installation.
    1. On the SLX device, run the show efa status command to see details of the installation and the state of services.
    2. From the EFA command line on the TPVM console or SSH session, run the sudo efactl status command to see the status of nodes, pods, and services.
      Ensure that all the containers are in the `Running` state.
    3. Run the efa status command for the status information.
      Ensure that all nodes are up.
      SLX# show efa status
                      EFA version details                  
          Version : 3.4.0
      Build: 45
      Time Stamp: 23-03-16:23:17:04
      Mode: Secure
      Deployment Type: multi-node
      Deployment Platform: TPVM
      Deployment Suite: Fabric Automation
      Deployment IP Mode: ipv4
      Virtual IP:
      Node IPs:,
      --- Time Elapsed: 13.291491ms --- 
                     EFA Status                          
      | Node Name | Role    | Status | IP          |
      | Node-22   | active  | up     | |
      | Node-33   | standby | up     | |
      --- Time Elapsed: 18.632270244s ---
          sudo efactl status
          Node: efa
          NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP             NODE   NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
          pod/efa-api-docs-sbg9x             1/1     Running   0          12m   efa    <none>           <none>
          pod/gosystem-service-m7245         1/1     Running   0          12m   efa    <none>           <none>
          pod/rabbitmq-cf57z                 1/1     Running   0          13m   efa    <none>           <none>
          pod/gonotification-service-5nhqb   1/1     Running   0          11m   efa    <none>           <none>
          pod/goinventory-service-m8fgm      1/1     Running   0          12m   efa    <none>           <none>
          pod/goauth-service-qr7zs           1/1     Running   0          12m   efa    <none>           <none>
          pod/gofaultmanager-service-gszrm   1/1     Running   0          12m   efa    <none>           <none>
          pod/gofabric-service-wrl6z         1/1     Running   0          12m   efa    <none>           <none>
          pod/gopolicy-service-4llmn         1/1     Running   0          12m   efa    <none>           <none>
          pod/goraslog-service-2w8hj         1/1     Running   0          12m   efa    <none>           <none>
          pod/gotenant-service-zhbp2         1/1     Running   0          12m   efa    <none>           <none>
          pod/gosnmp-service-5jnqv           1/1     Running   0          11m   efa    <none>           <none>
          pod/gorbac-service-jnttb           1/1     Running   0          12m   efa    <none>           <none>
          NAME                             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                          AGE   SELECTOR
          service/rabbitmq                 ClusterIP    <none>        15672/TCP,5672/TCP               13m   app=rabbitmq
          service/rabbitmq-local           NodePort    <none>        15672:30673/TCP,5672:30672/TCP   13m   app=rabbitmq
          service/goinventory-service      ClusterIP    <none>        8082/TCP                         12m   app=goinventory-service
          service/efa-api-docs             ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP                           12m   app=efa-api-docs
          service/goraslog-service         ClusterIP    <none>        8091/TCP                         12m   app=goraslog-service
          service/gonotification-service   ClusterIP     <none>        8088/TCP                         12m   app=gonotification-service
          service/goauth-service           ClusterIP    <none>        8080/TCP                         12m   app=goauth-service
          service/gorbac-service           ClusterIP    <none>        8089/TCP                         12m   app=gorbac-service
          service/gofaultmanager-service   ClusterIP    <none>        8094/TCP                         12m   app=gofaultmanager-service
          service/gosystem-service         ClusterIP   <none>        8090/TCP                         12m   app=gosystem-service
          service/gofabric-service         ClusterIP    <none>        8081/TCP                         12m   app=gofabric-service
          service/gopolicy-service         ClusterIP     <none>        8093/TCP                         12m   app=gopolicy-service
          service/gotenant-service         ClusterIP    <none>        8083/TCP                         12m   app=gotenant-service
          service/goopenstack-service      ClusterIP    <none>        8085/TCP                         12m   app=goopenstack-service
          service/govcenter-service        ClusterIP      <none>        8086/TCP                         12m   app=govcenter-service
          service/gohyperv-service         ClusterIP    <none>        8087/TCP                         12m   app=gohyperv-service
          service/gosnmp-service           ClusterIP    <none>        8092/TCP                         12m   app=gosnmp-service
          NAME                                    DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   NODE SELECTOR       AGE   CONTAINERS               IMAGES                 SELECTOR
          daemonset.apps/goopenstack-service      0         0         0       0            0           non-existing=true   12m   openstack                goopenstack:3.4.0      app=goopenstack-service
          daemonset.apps/efa-api-docs             1         1         1       1            1           <none>              12m   efa-api-docs             efa-api-docs:3.4.0     app=efa-api-docs
          daemonset.apps/govcenter-service        0         0         0       0            0           non-existing=true   12m   vcenter                  govcenter:3.4.0        app=govcenter-service
          daemonset.apps/gohyperv-service         0         0         0       0            0           non-existing=true   12m   hyperv                   gohyperv:3.4.0         app=gohyperv-service
          daemonset.apps/gosystem-service         1         1         1       1            1           <none>              12m   gosystem                 gosystem:3.4.0         app=gosystem-service
          daemonset.apps/rabbitmq                 1         1         1       1            1           <none>              13m   rabbitmq-node            rabbitmq:3.4.0         app=rabbitmq
          daemonset.apps/gonotification-service   1         1         1       1            1           <none>              12m   gonotification-service   gonotification:3.4.0   app=gonotification-service
          daemonset.apps/goinventory-service      1         1         1       1            1           <none>              12m   goinventory-service      goinventory:3.4.0      app=goinventory-service
          daemonset.apps/goauth-service           1         1         1       1            1           <none>              12m   go-auth                  goauth:3.4.0           app=goauth-service
          daemonset.apps/gofaultmanager-service   1         1         1       1            1           <none>              12m   gofaultmanager-service   gofaultmanager:3.4.0   app=gofaultmanager-service
          daemonset.apps/gofabric-service         1         1         1       1            1           <none>              12m   gofabric-service         gofabric:3.4.0         app=gofabric-service
          daemonset.apps/gopolicy-service         1         1         1       1            1           <none>              12m   gopolicy-service         gopolicy:3.4.0         app=gopolicy-service
          daemonset.apps/goraslog-service         1         1         1       1            1           <none>              12m   goraslog-service         goraslog:3.4.0         app=goraslog-service
          daemonset.apps/gotenant-service         1         1         1       1            1           <none>              12m   gotenant-service         gotenant:3.4.0         app=gotenant-service
          daemonset.apps/gosnmp-service           1         1         1       1            1           <none>              12m   gosnmp-service           gosnmp:3.4.0           app=gosnmp-service
          daemonset.apps/gorbac-service           1         1         1       1            1           <none>              12m   go-rbac                  gorbac:3.4.0           app=gorbac-service
          $ efa login
          Login successful.
          --- Time Elapsed: 4.121103171s ---
          (efa:extreme)extreme@tpvm:~$ efa status
          | Node Name       | Role   | Status | IP           |
          | tpvm-xco-229-54 | active | up     | |
          --- Time Elapsed: 4.656427295s ---